Investing and trading are not the same! Here, for many years, we have seen people come with $25 hoping to become millionaires, and they get into Futures with that idea in their heads, wanting to trade with that $25 and end up being liquidated for not knowing how Blockchain works. Others enter investing thinking they are trading, and when they see the fluctuations, they run away from spot thinking they will be liquidated, selling lower than they bought and losing their investment all by themselves 🤦 If you are new, you should know that while it is possible to make money here, it is not primarily with $25. Anyone who tells you that you will achieve it is lying; you do not make money without money. And for the love of God, if you are investing in SPOT, DO NOT SELL OUT OF PANIC. If you are going to enter Futures, do not do it if you are not willing to learn to USE THE STOP LIMIT, and do not come wanting to call something a scam that is not responsible for your ignorance.