Based on the information in the image, we can now calculate the expected profit from booking $1000 (1000 FDUSD).


1. Total daily distribution of BIO: 1,494,000 BIO.

2. Total FDUSD booking: 13,790,735,96.57644988 FDUSD.

3. Project duration: 10 days.

Daily Ratio Calculation:

Daily Ratio for 1 FDUSD:


1,494,000 ➗13,790,735,96= 0.00010834 BIO

Profit Calculation for Booking 1000 FDUSD:

Daily Profit:

1000 ✖️ 0.00010834 =0.10834 BIO

Profit within 6 days:

0.10834 ✖️ 6 = 0.65004 | BIO

Do you have any other questions or want to know the value of BIO in dollars?