Many beginners immediately jump into future trading.
I see that from the increasing number of posts expressing frustration and complaining because their money is lost in an instant when trading futures.
Dare to trade futures, meaning dare to get rich quickly and dare to get poor quickly.
If you are still a beginner, avoid future trading, if provisions such as knowledge, money and mentality are sufficient, please beat the boss.
4 years ago when I was new to trading, I was interested in future trading, it did produce results quickly, but it seemed like I wasn't suited to it, because I lost money quickly too.
Yes, maybe my fortune wasn't there.
Until finally I left it, and returned to struggling with spot trading, and found more peace even though the results were not as much as future trading, the key is patience.
In 4 years of spot trading, with a capital of 40 million, now it has become more than 800 million. I once posted, check my previous post.
Yes, even though it feels long, it doesn't make you anxious. The important thing is not to just buy any coin. What kind of coin should be bought, I have also posted, please check the previous post.
Don't forget to do financial management, how to read KLIK DISINI.