PEPE traders use a wide range of trading signals and technical indicators to predict price action. While not all methods are necessary to accurately predict market direction, some key indicators carry more weight. Identifying support and resistance levels for Pepe provides insight into market supply and demand while helping to identify trend reversals. Additionally, chart patterns are widely used by traders to form trend lines that help predict the next candlestick move. Various indicators such as the RSI, moving averages, and MACD can be used to determine the direction of a long-term trend and attempt to predict future price action.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) provides additional insight into market momentum by measuring the magnitude of Pepe price movements to determine whether they are overbought or underbought. Market traders use the RSI as a momentum indicator to identify overbought or oversold conditions, and to decide whether to accumulate or sell assets. Readings above 50 and an upward trend indicate that the bulls still have a point of strength, while readings below 50 indicate the opposite.