Testnet airdrop confirmed!🪂

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#Initverse Testnet Guide 👇

#空投 #测试网

Recently, meme coins have been popular; if you have recently invested in meme coins, you first need to configure the #meme tool; https://gmgn.ai/?ref=QHXwt2C1&chain=sol

1/ Registration method (free)

⭕✨ Go to: https://candy.inichain.com/?invite=1UIF4TD84JJZOPOG3P75QUBAC

➖ Connect wallet

➖ Add Initverse testnet

➖ Approve in the wallet

Task steps:

1. Scroll down the page.
2. Click the “Login” button.
3. Go to the task section.
4. Connect your X, Discord, and Telegram accounts.
5. Click “Authorize” and connect all accounts.
6. Follow and join Initverse's social accounts,

3/ Obtain test coins

⭕✨ Please visit: https://faucet-testnet.iniscan.com

➖ Enter wallet address

➖ Complete the captcha

➖ Click “Send me test INI”

4/ Deploy tokens

➖ Go to tasks now

➖ Click “Join Now” in the token creation section

➖ Enter token name, symbol, decimal places, issuance amount

➖ Click “Confirm” and approve

Daily sign-in steps:

1. Scroll down the page
2. Click the “Sign In” button
3. Earn 10 points every day

6/ Redeem

➖ Click “Redeem”

➖ Go to Obosswap Dex

➖ Exchange INI for any available tokens

👉 Earn 10 points for each redemption. Redeem every 10 minutes.

7/ Complete additional tasks

➖ Scroll down

➖ Complete the like and share tasks

➖ Invite friends

8/ Points lottery

➖ Go to the “Points Lottery” section

➖ Click “Spin”

➖ Click “Submit”

9/ Payment method (if you do not plan to spend USD, you can skip the following steps)

⭕✨ Go to: https://tinyurl.com/CheapContaboVPS

➖ Choose the “$12.5” plan.

➖ Select “1 month”.

➖ Select region.

➖ Choose storage type and operating system.

➖ Enter password and click “Next.”

10/ Register and pay at Contabo.

➖ Select “I am a new user of Contabo”

➖ Enter email and register.

➖ Enter card information and click “Next”.

👉 You can find your VPS IP address in the “Control Panel” section.

11/ Get Web3 credit card

⭕✨ Go to: http://solcard.cc/r/EarlyAccess

➖ Enter your name

➖ Enter email

➖ Verify email


➖ Get your Web3 credit card

👉 Use scenarios

➢ You can use this card to purchase VPS at Contabo 🫡

👉 There is a minimum deposit limit.

12/ Access VPS using Termius

✨ Please visit: http://termius.com/download

➖ Download and install Termius.

➖ Register using email.

➖ Enter the IP address of the VPS.

➖ Username = root

➖ Enter VPS password.

➖ Click connect.

13/ Get INIT miner

➖ Download link: wget https://github.com/Project-InitVerse/ini-miner/releases/download/v1.0.0/iniminer-linux-x64

➖ Set execution permissions: chmod +x iniminer-linux-x64

14/ Create a new screen session

➖ Use command `screen -S initverse` to create a new screen session,

15/ Start the miner

➖ Execute command: `./iniminer-linux-x64 --pool stratum+tcp://YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.Worker001@pool-core-testnet.inichain.com:32672 --cpu-devices 1 --cpu-devices 2`

👉 Please replace `YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS` with your wallet address

👉 Press `Control + A + D` keys to detach from the screen session

16/ Check miner status

⭕✨ Go to: https://genesis-testnet.yatespool.com

➖ Enter EVM address

➖ Search for your miner and other miners.

Recently, meme coins have been popular; if you have recently invested in meme coins, you first need to configure the #meme tool; https://gmgn.ai/?ref=QHXwt2C1&chain=sol