🪂dappOS, an event held with Binance Wallet!#BNB

As long as you trade on dappOS, you are eligible to share a $300,000 bonus.

How to participate? Enter the Binance web3 wallet and find dappos,

The total prize pool is $300,000! ! ! Free Mint dappOS trading NFT Share USDC worth $60,000

空投30万美金 dappos event $300,000 big wool 🎁  👈🏻Click to jump automatically!

As long as you trade on dappOS, you are eligible to share a $300,000 bonus.

Step 1: Free minting of dappOS NFTs, and equally sharing USDC rewards worth $60,000

9 hours dappOS_com Follow

Click "Claim" to mint dappOS Trading NFTs for free (no gas fee required)

After the airdrop, here is an introduction to the dappOS intent layer:

The core components of the dappOS intent layer: operations, assets, and transactions

The dappOS intent layer aims to automate the execution of user intent by simplifying and optimizing the user's interactive experience on the blockchain. Its core consists of three parts: operations, assets, and transactions. 1. Intent-based operations (IntentOS)

dappOS earlier launched intentOS, an innovative technology designed to intentionalize user operations. With intentOS, users do not need to have an in-depth understanding of complex blockchain operation instructions, they only need to express their needs, and the system will automatically perform the corresponding operations. For example, a user may only need to express that they want to transfer an NFT from one wallet to another, and intentOS will handle all the technical details behind it.

2. Intent Asset

Following closely is intent asset, which makes the user's asset management intentional. Users no longer need to manually manage the details of each asset. Intent asset can automate the configuration and management of assets according to the user's intention. This means that users can set such as "diversify my assets to multiple DeFi protocols to maximize returns", and the system will automatically adjust asset allocation according to market conditions.

