Fiat currencies, like the dollar or the euro, have no real value.

They are not backed by any tangible asset, like gold, which means their only value is the blind trust we have in the governments that issue them.

But that trust is used for a system that enriches a few and robs the masses.

Why are fiat currencies a scam?

Money is simply paper:

The value of fiat currencies depends on the willingness of governments to maintain their value.

If a government decides to print more money, the value of that money is diluted.

This strips people of purchasing power without them noticing, as prices rise and wages do not increase at the same pace.

It is a silent but real loss.

Inflation as covert theft:

Excessive money printing generates inflation, and this is one of the greatest ways to rob people.

The purchasing power of your money decreases, meaning that even if you continue to work the same, your money is worth less every year.

Governments control inflation to continue increasing their debt without facing immediate consequences.

The debt cycle:

The fiat monetary system is based on debt.

Central banks issue money by lending it to commercial banks, which in turn lend it to businesses and citizens.

This money doesn't really exist, as it is all based on the promise of future payment.

The problem is that the more money is borrowed, the more debts grow.

It is a cycle in which the rich and governments benefit, while the common citizen is trapped in a cycle of interests and payments.

Power to control and manipulate:

Governments have the ability to manipulate the economy through the issuance of money.

If they want to finance something, they don't need to produce real value, just create more money, which not only devalues money but creates an economic dependency on the system.

Fiat currency allows governments to maintain control of the economies without citizens being able to do anything to prevent it.

Why is this a scam?

Because it is not only a system that has no solid foundation, but it is designed to benefit a few and exploit the masses.

Instead of being a fair exchange tool, fiat money has been transformed into a control tool, where governments and financial institutions manipulate the value and flow of money to maintain power and enrich themselves.

The real value of money is not backed by anything tangible, but the system continues to operate under the premise that the common citizen will keep working more, producing more, so that others continue to control the rules of the game.

* Fiat currencies are a legalized scam, a control system that allows governments and banks to enrich themselves while people lose their purchasing power and remain trapped in the debt cycle.

It's time to open our eyes and understand that the money we use every day has no real value and is being used to manipulate our economic life.

The system is designed so that there are always winners and losers, and you are not the winner *

