Carnival Binance Wallet x Bitlayer BTCFI | Week 2


Bedrock - The First Multi-Asset Liquid Re-Staking Protocol Complete tasks to claim your rewards Follow


on X Stake ≥0.0001 BTC/WBTC to generate uniBTC on Bedrock can participate in the sharing of a prize pool of 20,000 $ in $BR, plus 42x Bedrock Diamond boost and Babylon Points Complete all tasks in week 2 and can participate in sharing a prize pool of 120,000 $ in $BTR Binance Wallet Entry: Binance App Wallet → Discover → Airdrop → Bitlayer (Please update your Binance app to the latest version) Entry the event (mobile device only): https:// Tutorial: https:// -Carnival-With-Bedrock …#BitlayerBTCFI#BinanceWallet #Bedrock