Managing the Follower Group.
I had previously advised you in an article not to join paid telegram groups. I had said that 95% of those in that group fail because the same jacket does not fit every body.
Who are the people you call followers?
-Young- Middle-aged or above middle-aged
-Employed, retired, student, unemployed.
-Single, married, with children, without children
-Financial status good-average-bad.
What do they have in common? They have nothing in common. In other words, everyone progresses in a different way in the life cycle. The goals are different, the people responsible are different.
What if I said this? "GALA support has broken down, everyone should sell". How many people will see this content at that moment in the life cycle? Maybe a woman is feverish and taking care of her child at that moment, someone else is driving, trying to get home from work in heavy traffic, maybe others are having sex at that moment😁.
Well, the seller sold. I said, "He came to support, now everyone should buy". The person who sold before and now needs to buy is driving this time, the woman who takes care of her child goes to work, the unemployed person is having a job interview.
When everyone reads these trading content of mine, the price has created a margin of 10-15% up or down. He couldn't sell where he was going to sell, he couldn't buy where he was going to buy. What happened to me? I made 95% of people unsuccessful.
Therefore, I can only give you a general projection. The most ideal method for this is to follow the main support and resistance levels. In other words, if I am trying to explain the subject to you through green zones and gray zones, this is the most ideal method I can offer to my followers. It gives those people days to make a decision and set a budget. They can enter a limit order, follow the price movements that are developing in the system at that moment, and set a stop. Nobody has to leave their child with a fever and open a transaction, nobody has to endanger their own life or the lives of others in traffic.
The person who makes love doesn't have to leave the event halfway😁