Binance mistakenly gave the wrong Telegram group link in Space this morning, allowing false information to mislead users. This incident caused the community to say that Binance’s recent mistakes have been too frequent and do not behave like the largest exchange. (Preliminary summary: A picture reviewing the performance of Binance’s currency listing in 2024: SAGA rose 19625% to dominate, who is the most aggressive?) (Background supplement: Binance Wallet launches Binance Alpha: focusing on potential projects and improving transparency before currency listing) Trading Binance held a Space exchange on the newly launched "Binance Alpha" platform of Binance Wallet on the social platform X this morning (18th). Binance co-founder He Yi also served as a speaker, personally answering relevant questions for community users. Binance Alpha aims to focus on promising early-stage blockchain projects and will showcase tokens that may be selected to be listed on the Binance exchange in the future. Since the first batch of 5 projects will be announced at 18:00 Taiwan time today (18th), Much attention from users. Binance officially released a fake TG group. However, Binance made a big mistake during Space and mistakenly uploaded a fake official Telegram group to the Space message area, causing users to be misled by fake information in the wrong Telegram group. The following author will give you a comprehensive summary of what happened: First, in Space, He Yi said that he would prepare to establish a TG group related to "Binance Alpha". As a result, the Space moderator said that there was already a group, and then Binance Chinese officially launched it. The official TG group link is sent to the message area source: twitter @shianqianyu In this group, the official TG account released 5 tokens after the end of Space (earlier than the official scheduled 18 o'clock), and said that it was selected for Binance Alpha Projects, including: $Monky, $HAPPY, $RIF, $ZRC, lowercase $ELIZA. As soon as the news came out, the five selected tokens immediately skyrocketed. source: twitter @shianqianyu As a result, He Yi immediately stated that this TG group was fake, causing the above-mentioned 5 tokens to fall one after another. source: twitter @shianqianyu Later, the official said that the TG group was indeed posted by the official tweet, but the wrong group link was sent. The author speculates that an insider may have mistakenly posted it as a Telegram group for testing. Source: twitter @shianqianyu The community criticized Binance for its recent crazy mistakes. This time, the "fake TG chaos" also caused multiple liquidation incidents to be reported in the community.Because many community users believed in the "Binance Alpha" information provided by Binance, their spot and contract positions were locked up or liquidated because of He Yi's words: "It's fake, this is not from Binance." And just yesterday evening when Binance launched the Fat Penguin token $PENGU, there was an error in the market value data, which also caused a lot of criticism in the community. Regarding Binance’s recent frequent mistakes, many community users and KOLs couldn’t help but tweet criticism on the social platform: Community KOL @shawnchen_eth tweeted: Binance’s market capitalization data was wrong three times in two weeks, and the TG link was wrong. , high market value VCs are in chaos. According to Binance’s industry status, this is an exaggeration. Community KOL @shianqianyu also said: "What should we do when encountering such a situation where the TG link is wrong? What can we do?" It seems that There is a feeling of powerlessness. In addition, some community users ridiculed: "It's time for the interns to come out and admit their mistakes." "I really want to be a Binance editor and make a lot of money by posting fake TG links." Related reports (Binance Research Report) From Internet memes to a market value of hundreds of billions , how did Meme become popular? Binance Regional Market Director: Global regulatory changes are taking place, and we are happy to see the Taiwan government promote the development of the encryption industry. Binance Wallet launches Binance Alpha: focusing on potential projects and improving transparency before currency listing. "Binance has made a big deal! Misinformation and fake TG The group announced the wrong Alpha listing information again, and the community ridiculed: It’s time for the intern to come out and apologize." This article was first published on BlockTempo (Dongqu Dongzhu - the most influential blockchain news media).