Every coin will rise. The law of capital flow that old investors are reluctant to talk about.

Just like everyone has their own spring, every coin will rise and every dog ​​will have its day. In the past few rounds of bull markets, the funds for speculating in coins will flow into $BTC > mainstream coins > copycat coins > dog coins, that is, the order of increase is backward. In an effective market (mainly referring to a market with many players, such as bn), even if the coin is not pleasing to the eye, funds and increase will one day be its turn.

So I think,

1️⃣ If you are obsessed with a coin, it doesn’t matter, it is a bull market now. Hold it, it will rise sooner or later.

2️⃣Try not to be obsessed, go to places with large amounts of funds to gamble. Then gradually hoard the coins you like. Wait for it to rise.

3️⃣ In a bull market, read more information and refer to more. Don’t just listen to what one person says and make a big decision on your position.

Therefore, understand the market as comprehensively as possible, and then choose and hold the coins on BN, waiting for its spring.

#BTC🔥🔥 #etf #牛市信息差 #聪哥

I serialized an article in Binance Square titled "Information Gap in This Bull Market":

Series 1: "Narratives are Expanded"

Series 2: Several Certain Opportunities

Part 3: How to choose meme coins

Series 4: "Insider Information is Poisonous"