$BNB # Binance announced the launch of Moonpicks🕹️🎮🕹️ on the Telegram platform, a mini-game based on collecting points through daily login and inviting other users ¹. In addition, Binance announced the addition of several new currencies, including:

# New currencies

- _SEKOPAY_: The cryptocurrency that will be used for trading and paying fees on the Sekopay cryptocurrency exchange ².

- _XPANZ_: An automatic payment project for automatic storage and automatic doubling of funds in DeFi in US dollars ².

- _Velodrome Finance_: A marketplace designed for trading and liquidity on the Optimism Network ².

- _StarkMeta_: A cryptocurrency operating on the Ethereum network ².

- _ICE BEAR TOKEN_: The IceBear currency project is a New Year's celebration in the style of non-investable tokens NFT sponsored by ICE BEAR TOKEN ².

- _The APIS_: A decentralized read-write protocol designed to allow decentralized applications to operate on a global scale ².

- _MLAND Token_: A blockchain-based game, running on BSC and Polygon Network ².

- _Rising Sun_: A project that aims to build wealth for future generations and provide passive income to its investors ².

- _Star Chain_: An online testing platform called “Cover Star” with the blockchain-based STAR coin ².