Avalanche cryptocurrency: the next $70?
The low average transaction fee of 0.005679 #AVAX is driving usage.
36,704 active addresses indicate an increase in user engagement.
#Avalanche is thriving with a daily transaction volume of 183K transactions and 3.2 million AVAX active addresses. BREAK Avalanche processed 183K transactions with a volume of 3.2 million AVAX.
Avalanche #cryptocurrency is thriving with a daily transaction volume of 183K transactions and 36K active addresses processed with a low fee of 0.005679 AVAX.
This high transaction volume and growing number of users indicates a high level of engagement. This suggests that AVAX could hit the $70 mark in the near future.
A decentralized platform built for scalability and ultra-low transaction fees, Avalanche is seeing phenomenal activity on its network. LINE_. BREAK 183,017 transactions in the last 24 hours show that the ecosystem has a comparable number of users.
This high number of transactions means that Avalanche is a fast, low-cost #blockchain with high user engagement. This means that Avalanche has.
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