1. Divide your funds into 5 parts, and only invest one-fifth each time! Control a stop loss of 10 points; if you make a mistake once, you only lose 2% of your total capital, and if you make 5 mistakes, you will lose 10% of your total capital. If you are right, set a take profit of over 10 points. Do you think you will still get stuck?
2. How to further improve the win rate? Simply put, it's two words: follow the trend! In a downtrend, every rebound is a trap to induce buying, and in an uptrend, every drop creates a golden pit*! Do you think it's easier to make money by bottom fishing or by buying low?
3. Do not touch any coins that have surged rapidly in the short term, whether they are mainstream or altcoins. There are very few coins that can make several waves of main upward trends+. The logic is that it is quite difficult for a coin to continue rising after a short-term surge. When it stagnates at a high position and cannot be pushed up later, it will naturally fall. It's a simple principle, but many people still want to take a gamble.
4. You can use MACD to judge entry and exit points. If the DIF line and DEA form a golden cross below the 0 axis, and once it breaks the 0 axis, it is a stable entry signal. When MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and moves downwards, it can be seen as a signal to reduce positions.