Vitalik Ignites a Thought Bomb: The Revolutionary Fusion of Value Mapping and Human Judgment!

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin posted on platform X today, once again challenging our perceptions with forward-thinking ideas. The two concepts he proposed—value mapping and refining human judgment—are drawing up a new operational blueprint for AI and human collaboration.

1. What is 'Value Mapping'?

In simple terms, it rejects traditional 'absolute contribution assessment' in favor of focusing on 'associated value distribution.' Vitalik gave an example—

When you ask 'How much is it worth to save 2,000 birds?' and 'How much is it worth to save 200,000 birds?', the answers humans give may both be $80. Why? It's too difficult to abstractly measure contribution. However, if you ask, 'For a certain ecosystem, which is more important, A or B?' such local comparative questions can yield more meaningful answers. This way of thinking is becoming a popular paradigm for the future.

2. 'Refining Human Judgment': Enabling Seamless Collaboration Between Humans and AI!

Vitalik mentioned that an open AI market can generate all the weights of the mapping, but the final decision-making power lies with a 'randomly selected' human jury. The human jury analyzes edge data in detail, submits the AI model that is closest to reality, and ultimately decides the output result.

Behind this reflects a deep trust in the combination of human insight and AI computing power—AI processes data, humans correct value, and together they penetrate the essence of complex problems!

How great is the potential of these two concepts?

In an AI-driven world, how to allocate resources and assess value is a crucial foundation for determining technological ethics and fairness. Vitalik's discourse applies not only to the crypto space but may also extend to scientific research, social policy, and even resource distribution across the entire Earth's ecosystem!

The logic of innovation often originates from the simplest questions. Vitalik's 'brain-burning' sharing may be opening up a whole new direction of thought for us. What will the future of AI and human judgment look like?

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