Legal status in Ukraine:
Wormhole $W has no specific regulation in Ukraine, because it is not exactly a blockchain, but a protocol for transferring data, tokens and NFTs between different blockchains. Software such as the W token is perfectly suited to future legislation on virtual assets, but in the current chaos, its place is in the "gray zone".
Among the partners and users of the platform are such titans as Circle and Uniswap. The platform has already processed $40+ billion worth of transactions — this speaks volumes about its trust among institutions and projects.
Wormhole uses a network of Guardian nodes (19 selected validators) that ensure the signing and validation of transactions. All operations work on the principle of Proof-of-Authority. The main features are many innovations:
Wormhole ZK — implementation of zero-knowledge proof for additional security.
Native Token Transfers — Tokens can move between blockchains without liquidity pools.
Wormhole Gateway for Cosmos and Wormhole Connect for easy integration with dApps.
Comparison with competitors:
In a world of crosschain solutions like Polkadot $DOT or Cosmos$ATOM , Wormhole stands out for its speed and simplicity. Instead of creating its own blockchain, it builds bridges between existing ones — faster, cheaper, and with lower liquidity risks.
How many x can give in 2025?
If Wormhole continues to develop its technology and retain key partners, the outlook is bright indeed. Luck may reward the patient, but remember: in the crypt, no bridge is safe from arson.
Hype, but keep a cool head!