12.11 Evening Market Analysis
After the afternoon adjustment, the large pie dropped to around 97260 and rebounded to around 98472, currently running around 98019. Overall fluctuations are not significant, with afternoon positions focusing on the large pie, yielding over 1116 points and over 48 points for the smaller pie.
From the current four-hour structure, the large pie is running upwards towards the lower Bollinger Band, KDJ is showing a golden cross moving upwards, the MACD curve is moving downwards, and the bearish energy bars are shrinking, with an increase in the one-hour positions.
Personal trading suggestions
Large pie: Trade between 97650-98000, target towards 98500-99500, stop loss at 400.
Smaller pie: Trade between 3650-3710, target towards 3750-3850, stop loss at 40#加密市场回调 .