We’ve added Risk and Return Analysis for 1700 Cryptocurrency Pairs!
Now, you can assess the risk of over 1700 cryptocurrency pairs using the adjusted Sharpe Ratio and Normalized Risk Metric (NRM), two powerful metrics to measure an asset's risk.
🔍 Sharpe Ratio: The adjusted Sharpe Ratio measures an asset’s performance by dividing its expected return by its volatility. It shows the return per unit of risk, helping to identify assets with a higher risk-adjusted return. The higher the Sharpe Ratio, the better the risk-adjusted return.
📈 Normalized Risk Metric (NRM): The NRM normalizes an asset’s volatility and risk, comparing it to its historical performance. This provides a consistent risk assessment, regardless of price movement magnitude, enabling fairer comparisons between assets, especially in volatile markets.
Additionally, you can evaluate risk with pairs of Stablecoins, various fiat currencies (USD, EUR, TRY, BRL, etc.), and cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, BNB, and more, across timeframes ranging from 1 minute to weekly.
🛠 Ideal for investors seeking decisions based on technical analysis and advanced risk management.
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