Where can you buy Polkadot?
$DOT tokens can be traded on centralized digital exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade Polkadot is Binance, with the most active DOT/USDT pair trading volume around $260,653,522 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include WhiteBIT and Gate.io.
What is the daily trading volume of Polkadot (DOT)?
Polkadot (DOT) trading volume is around $1,987,558,184 USD in the last 24 hours, which is a decrease of 28.90% compared to the previous day, indicating a decline in market activity recently.
What is the highest price Polkadot (DOT) has ever recorded?
The highest price recorded for Polkadot (DOT) was $54.98 on November 4, 2021, and the current price is 80.32% lower than the highest price recorded.
What is the lowest price Polkadot (DOT) has ever recorded?
The lowest price recorded for Polkadot (DOT) was $2.70 on August 20, 2020, and the current price is 301.16% higher than the lowest price recorded.
What is the market cap of Polkadot (DOT)?
Polkadot (DOT) has a market cap of around $16,403,400,439, ranking it#15on CoinGecko. The market cap is calculated by multiplying the token price by the circulating volume of DOT tokens, which is around 1.5 billion tokens.
What is the fully discounted valuation of Polkadot (DOT)?
The fully discounted valuation (FDV) of Polkadot (DOT) is $16,403,400,439 USD. It is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap assuming the maximum total number of DOT tokens in circulation today.
How does Polkadot's price performance compare to its peers?
With a price increase of 27.30% in the last 7 days, Polkadot (DOT) has outperformed the global cryptocurrency market by 7.60%, and also outperformed other smart contract platform cryptocurrencies which have recorded a rise of 5.90%.