Bureau sombre, écran d'ordinateur avec un graphique en chute libre. Homme en sueur, vêtu d’une chemise décontractée, tête entre les mains, yeux grands ouverts de panique symbolisant le FOMO. Reflet lumineux orange d’un écran d’ordinateur. Un graphique chute vertigineusement. En arrière-plan, des symboles crypto flottants.

Bitcoin has just crossed a historic threshold thanks to the achievement of $100,000, a milestone that represents a major milestone in the history of cryptocurrencies. This spectacular surge, fueled by a 126% increase since January, has rekindled a feeling of frustration and regret in many investors over missed opportunities. A recent survey conducted by Kraken sheds light on this phenomenon known as “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO), a powerful psychological factor that profoundly influences financial decisions in the crypto sector.

The article When emotions cost crypto investors a fortune! appeared first on Cointribune.