I just saw the etcc inscription yesterday. They adopted Free Mint, but 1,000 NFTs will be sold in advance, and the income from these NFTs will be used as LP funds.

The community is also very worried about whether they will run away. Today they conducted multi-signature funds with hebeswap. After the Free Mint Etcc ends, the funds will be sent to the Etcc team in batches.

etcc.dev, bring your own https://

Each address can hold up to 5 NFTs, with a maximum reward of 6x. According to the explanation on their website, one NFT is worth 100,000 $ETCC. Holding 5 NFT addresses can get 600,000 $ETCC with one NFT.

Very suitable for slow scripting users like me.

You can participate in free mint without NFT currently, but they will not start until the NFT sale is completed.

At present, there are not many nfts sold, only 38.

Not long ago, ETCGrantsDao expressed his attention to this project on Twitter, and hoped that this project would bring new vitality to ETC.

Inscription tool: github search-》HebePlatform/FairLaunchERC20

Based on mint_html:

Download and enter mint_html, open mint.html

Display in browser:

The first line is the RPC address

The second line is the private key address (starting with 0x)

The third line is the inscription address you need to type

How many times is the fourth line executed?

The fifth line is the gas amount, you can modify it yourself

The sixth line is gas limit, you need to set it to 100000.

The seventh line does not need to be modified.