#FIL Technical Analysis
Chart and Moving Averages
📊 The chart shows a strong balance with clear support from the moving averages, which enhances confidence in the upward trend and increases the chances of positive continuation.
Trend Breakout on the Weekly Frame
✅ The trend breakout on the weekly frame has been confirmed in a distinctive way, reflecting strong momentum and a clear indication of the continuation of the rise.
Expected Targets
1️⃣ First Target: $9
🎯 The price reaching this level indicates the beginning of achieving the required upward movement.
2️⃣ Second Target: $15
📈 If the resistance at $9 is broken, the path will be paved to reach the $15 level as a main target.
Important Note
⚠️ It is recommended to closely follow the price action at the $9 resistance level to confirm the trend and monitor the possibility of any correction.