Yesterday's market fluctuations were relatively violent, with a large trend range. The market saw back and forth between bulls and bears. In four hours, it was out of control. In yesterday's market, it also gained 200 points, with a total of 3,400 points in the early morning. The midnight prompt was short at 36700, and it took a decisive stance at the shock low of 36300, and took another 350 points. Then Dodan arranged to take a position again after winning nearly 300 points in the morning. This wave of big market gains totaled more than 4,000 points. The adjustment was also very timely, and I worked hard all night and lived up to my expectations.

Judging from the market, bulls have been relatively strong in the recent market trend and have continued to rise after rising high. However, they quickly recovered after yesterday's high. The downward force was stronger than the rebound. Although they bottomed out and rebounded, they returned to yesterday's shock. First line, but the upper rail of the four-hour boll does not extend much upward, so the upper rail will still be under pressure and move towards the lower rail. The daily closing line is also below the upper rail of the boll, and the double suppression above will coincide, so the return is a certainty. Can be empty.

In the morning, it is recommended to go short around 36800 to 37000, look at 35700, and look around 34700 for a break. #BinanceBlockchainWeek #Web3Wallet #BTC #etf #BRC20