
Here is a list of cryptocurrency capital gains tax rates for 20 countries, ranked from highest to lowest:

| Country | Tax Rate |


| Germany | 50.5% |

| Denmark | 52.06% |

| Finland | 44% |

| Belgium | 50% |

| Luxembourg | 42% |

| Netherlands | 31% |

| France | 30% |

| Austria | 27.5% |

| Bulgaria | 10% |

| Switzerland | 0% |

| Cyprus | 0% |

| Estonia | 0% |

| Malta | 0% |

| Slovenia | 0% |

| Italy | 26% |

| Spain | 23% |

| Portugal | 21% |

| Greece | 20% |

| Croatia | 18% |


In Germany, cryptocurrency transaction fees can be very high, but there are tax exemptions if cryptocurrencies are held for more than a year or if annual capital gains are less than 600 euros