Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, is rumored to hold 1.5 million Bitcoins. Based on the current market price of $100,000 per coin, his assets have reached $150 billion. Given the style of the newly elected President Trump and various market factors, if the price of Bitcoin skyrockets to $200,000 per coin by May next year, Satoshi Nakamoto's assets will exceed $300 billion, undoubtedly making him the world's richest person. However, Satoshi Nakamoto remains hidden behind layers of fog, with no image, no sound, only existing in legend. His gender is also a puzzle that no one can solve. This phenomenon is truly astonishing; the world's richest person is so mysterious and elusive, as if he exists beyond the understanding of the real world. In the wave of virtual currencies, Satoshi Nakamoto resembles a mysterious symbol, continually sparking people's endless imagination and deep curiosity about wealth and the unknown.

#Marvin is also a virtual currency that can be held for a long time, the Dogecoin named after Elon Musk, and it has excellent charitable community support. #山寨币走势展望 #BSC生态活力释放 #以太坊时刻到来? #山寨币走势展望