As Bitcoin gradually stabilizes at the 35,000 mark, many people realize that the 20,000 level may never return. What I want to tell you is that you should not consider 20,000, or even 30,000. Because Bitcoin has completely walked out of the bull market rhythm, and although there have been many callback intentions recently, they have been pulled back every time, and the air force is powerless to save the situation.

At the same time, I continue to be optimistic about the future market. Many projects can still be held as I said yesterday. Of course, many fans are very grateful to me because I said in August that Bitcoin 25,000 can be held and optimistic about the follow-up, so many of them followed Sol, Blur and others and made a lot of money this round. I will share some of the latest views in the group every day.

If we say that the most popular concept recently is definitely BRC20, with the launch of Ordi on Binance, the popularity of BRC20 has reached its peak. So why did Binance enter the market to layout BRC20? It’s a long story. In the early days, Bn took a wait-and-see attitude towards the BRC20 ecosystem, thinking that the popularity would soon end, so it did not build a web3 wallet, but let other platforms take the lead. So Binance is now rushing to launch it online to attract traffic and avoid losing customers again. Then I also noticed that many friends are anxious to enter the factory to inscribe, but in fact, the golden time period for inscription has long ended, and it is not highly recommended for everyone to do it.

In a bull market, many people tend to make a mistake, which is to be obsessed with FOM and always think that they can get rich overnight. But in fact, real growth is steady and not achieved overnight. What we need to do is to calm down and think about the real value of this industry and where we need to improve. Where is it? #web3钱包 #BRC20 #BTC