Several Secret Techniques for Making Money in the Crypto World: Master These Three Tricks, and Earning U Isn't a Dream!

First Trick: Coin Hoarding Method, Applicable in Bull and Bear Markets.

Hoarding coins sounds simple, but it actually tests patience. It involves selecting some promising coins, buying them, and then leaving them untouched for at least six months to a year. During this period, no matter how turbulent the outside world is, don’t be swayed. This approach usually yields substantial returns, but many people can't stick to it; they want to sell when prices rise and flee when they fall, resulting in nothing gained. Therefore, the key to hoarding coins is — patience!

Second Trick: Riding the Bull Market with Caution.

When a bull market arrives, take some small money and play with coins ranked 20 to 100 in market capitalization. If you see one coin has risen by over 50%, swap it for another that has dropped significantly. If you get stuck with a coin, don’t panic; it’s a bull market, there will be a way out. However, this method requires caution; not all coins will rise, so you need to choose wisely.

Third Trick: Pyramid-style Bottom Fishing, a Smart Move During Major Drops.

If you notice that the crypto market is about to drop significantly, don’t rush; we can buy in steps. For example, when the coin price drops to 80%, 70%, 60%, and 50%, buy at each level, and the more it drops, the more you buy. This way, once the market rebounds, we can make a substantial profit.

Fourth Trick: Moving Average Strategy, Knowing a Bit About K-line is Better.

Look at the moving averages on the K-line chart, MA5, MA10, MA20, etc. If the current price is above MA5 and MA10, hold steady and don’t move. If MA5 falls below MA10, sell immediately. Conversely, if MA5 crosses above MA10, that’s a good buying opportunity.

Fifth Trick: Aggressive Coin Hoarding, a Cure for Various Discontent.

If you have some spare money and are optimistic about a certain long-term quality coin, buy it when the price is low and sell it when the price is high, then hoard the profits back. For example, if the current price is $8, buy at $7, and sell at $8.8, and keep doing this back and forth. As long as the opportunities are good, you can hoard several rounds in a month, and the coins will keep increasing. Unless this coin rises 3-5 times, we won’t easily sell.

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