Vivek Ramaswamy, who will jointly manage the U.S. federal government's efficiency department with Elon Musk, wrote last night (Beijing time, November 23): "‘Rules are made for you, not for me.’ Thousands of IRS employees and contractors actually *haven't paid their own taxes*. Republican Senator Joni Ernst audited the IRS and found they owe nearly $50 million in taxes. The total amount owed by government employees exceeds $1.5 billion. This hypocrisy is simply outrageous."

​[Witty] Comment: It is indeed sensational. The U.S. federal government's efficiency department, led by two billionaires, seems poised for significant changes. Can they address the long-standing issues of personnel redundancy and institutional corruption in the U.S. government? Streamlining departments and rigorously investigating corruption will touch the interests of many. Will the American establishment allow them to implement sweeping reforms? If not done gradually, could it trigger serious disorder and chaos in the U.S.? Of course, all of this will have to wait until Trump takes office on January 20.