
Arkham is a market analysis tool that provides information about investments and positions of cryptocurrency exchanges. Below, I present some reasons why using Arkham can be useful to know what exchanges are investing in:

1. *Transparency*: Arkham provides transparent information about investments and positions of exchanges, which can help investors make informed decisions.

2. *Market analysis*: Arkham offers detailed market analyses, including information on market capitalization, trading volume, and price trends.

3. *Pattern detection*: Arkham uses advanced algorithms to detect patterns in market data, which can help investors identify investment opportunities.

4. *Tracking exchange positions*: Arkham allows investors to track exchange positions in real-time, which can help anticipate market movements.

5. *Real-time information*: Arkham provides real-time information about the cryptocurrency market, which can help investors make quick and informed decisions.

In summary, Arkham is a powerful tool that can help investors gain a clearer view of the cryptocurrency market and make informed decisions about their investments.