🚨 Besides analyzing or relying on news or many other factors, there is a relatively easy way that you can refer to.
1️⃣ Follow the price increase section on exchanges.
2️⃣ Choose some codes from the top gainers (prioritize industry-leading codes in tags with large market capitalization)
📌 Due to the advantage of cash flow, or starting a new trend and increasing the price of any tag, the top codes always run ahead, then the cash flow gradually flows through other codes in the same tag with smaller market capitalization.
📌 This method does not require complex analysis, prioritize good charts, the more divergence the better. Otherwise, just pick some codes that haven't pumped yet and spread your capital. But the risk is also significant; if the cash flow just stops or hasn't pumped or doesn't pump, you’ll be stuck with your money. So consider referring, test it out first, then do whatever you want. For example, in the image, the tag POW is being pumped…leading BCH and DGB. So codes like LTC - XVG - Dash - … refer as you wish and then monitor.