What's new with tapalkas? 👀
⚫️ Blum has opened access to MemPad for 7 million users. What's happening there? Total chaos — they are creating coins indiscriminately, with any names. There are already about 20 different BLUM, including options for bloggers.
⭐️ Durov noted the Major and Tiny Verse projects, "praising them for adapting to the new update." Farming in Major has already been completed.
😸 CATS released a new game in the spirit of Catizen — DeGens
🐾 PAWS has a new secret mission. It's simple: flip the screen — and it's done.
🪙 Not Pixel has already gathered 1005 out of 1024 templates. Battles will start soon.
#⃣ Memhash has surpassed the mark of 30 thousand miners. Mining is becoming increasingly difficult.
My opinion hasn't changed - I don't invest in tapalkas, sometimes I donate a little, it might pay off.😴
Share your opinions about all this
(tiny verse) https://tinyurl.com/tinyverse
(degens) https://tinyurl.com/4sxyj254