Holding Bitcoin for a period of three years is a strategy that can generate significant returns. Here are some examples:

📈Example 1:

If you had bought Bitcoin on July 4, 2013, for $80 USD and sold it on July 4, 2016, you would have obtained a price of $683 USD, representing a considerable profit.

📈Example 2:

If you bought Bitcoin on January 1, 2017, for approximately $1,000 USD and held it until January 1, 2020, its value would have been around $7,200 USD.

📈Example 3:

If you acquired Bitcoin on January 1, 2018, for $13,000 USD and held it until January 1, 2021, you could have sold it for around $29,000 USD.

This strategy highlights the importance of patience and resisting the urge to sell during market downturns. History shows that $BTC tends to recover and grow over time, rewarding investors who remain committed to the long term⏳.

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