This #eth chart is looking really sick compared to #bitcoin . Any and all profits go to the big guy and it’s more than 10%. Seeing some growth in alts but it’s an uphill battle and we know over time all other coins compares to btc go to 0. It’s not even a question where we should all end up. Yes get your gains when you can and make sure you do lock in those gains. Don’t say woulda shoulda coulda. There are so many opportunities you won’t miss anything, collect your gains, even if it’s 10%. When we have 2-3 years down you will be wishing for that 10%. Long we always stay with bitcoin and we take any and all profits. One other thing I learned, just buy it and hold it, don’t enter exit, look at the phone every minute to see the trade. Buy it low and hold it, sell it high for best gains, not 20 different trades. Fees, small losses, stress, they will make it not fun. And if you enter a trade and feel so much anxiety, this is not the trade for you. You should feel confident when you enter a trade, because you did your homework, we don’t yolo anymore.

Good luck, stay safe.