A blogger shared his experience with me. It is a good choice to put it in the first article to motivate myself at all times.

1. First of all, you need to have a long-term plan, what are you good at, what are you going to do, and if you are an individual, how should you allocate your time?

2. Find your core points and increase the stickiness of your fans. For example, if you want to eat hot pot, Malatang, ground pot chicken, or go to a club, many people will go to a certain restaurant. Why?

3. After you have a core, you must have several branches, and publish them in turn, otherwise you will be very tired because of what you publish every day.

4. Take time every day to observe other popular tweets, think about them, analyze them, and learn from them.

5. Pay more attention to bloggers with relatively large traffic and interact more

6. Keep updating daily and try a few more times to see what kind of content (long article? short article? in-depth article? etc.) is easier to increase exposure.

7. Be diligent. If time permits, you can update a few more posts a day. You can observe which ones work better. Remember: it’s different for everyone, try more, observe more and draw conclusions.

8. Treat people sincerely, and treat bloggers and fans with sincerity. We are all smart people. Time will tell whether you are sincere or pretending. Treat fans sincerely for their dedication and trust.

9. Learn to be grateful. There are very few people willing to help you, so remember to reciprocate the favor within your ability.

10. Reduce useless social interactions. If you show kindness several times in a row and the other party doesn't like you, give up decisively.

11. Communicate more with friends who treat you as an equal, and communicate more with friends who are willing to share their business experience.

12. If a Kol actively adds you and says that he wants to help you, interact with you, like and comment, but after you say that you have no budget for the time being, he never likes, comments or replies to you in the group, then you should think deeply. , why did he add you?

13. You can ask for attention and likes. If you are ignored several times in a row, don’t blame others. After all, others have no obligation to help you. Do a good job in yourself and improve yourself. Stay high and strong, and be fragrant. Butterflies come.

14. How to get a blogger to follow you faster? Find his topic.

15. The most important thing is to take advantage of the momentum. This word is a long story. In short, it is to use the momentum of others to increase your fans or shape your IP image.