
  • There is a saying that "seeing you make money is more painful than me losing money". I think this is what most people want to say recently.

Indeed, without the fun of participating in the market, and seeing that everyone else is making very good profits, there is indeed a big psychological gap.

But this is not worth being discouraged. I think after missing out on a market, you should review the market trend while you still have the subjective consciousness at the moment. Find out why you missed out or did the wrong thing.

Fortunately, the downward trend of more than a year has finally been broken. But this does not mean that the bull market will come immediately. But it is a good start for the market to turn around.

Someone asked, I can obviously buy it at a lower price, and there are so many opportunities to buy it at 16,000 or 18,000, so why should I wait until it breaks through 20,000 before buying.

I think after reading the entire article, you will have a better understanding of the market.

As we can see from the above chart, the recent breakout of the downward trend line since 69,000 and the daily Vegas channel resistance since the decline of 48,000 is a more certain entry opportunity that I can see.

Left-side trading is about testing the bottom and the top. While it can bring higher returns, it will also bring more risks.

But people often like this kind of "spiritual opium".

On December 30, I used#linkas the time period window and analyzed in advance that January 9 might be a turning point. We saw the outbreak of the market, which also started on the 9th with continuous volume and breakthroughs.

If we look at the time period, it is indeed on January 9 that the volume started to rise. In fact, I sent no less than 5 short articles during this period to remind people of the possible change on the 9th. This is not to prove how awesome I am or how advanced I am. I just want to tell you that I have my own logical analysis for every transaction. I don't blindly chase the rise and fall.

But on the 7th, I was not feeling well, and after that, I did not make too many adjustments to my positions. Until two days ago, I started to remind everyone of the resistance of the Vegas channel.

Although the resistance was still broken through strongly, as a market analysis blogger, I should tell you the resistance I saw.

We can see from the above figure that the two key boxes of support and resistance are swapped. After the explosive volume rise here, the "banker" is pulling up the market at all costs to get the previously locked-in orders out of the market. If the analysis change on the 9th is the first confirmation, then breaking through this resistance level is the second confirmation of the market turning. The Vegas channel resistance is the third confirmation.

So, did you miss out? No, you still have plenty of opportunities. Chi Chang will definitely come back to pick you up.

In the early days of my arrival at #BinanceSquare, I posted an article on trading techniques (trend lines) that you can check out and learn from.

This chart shows the market situation when#BTC28888 rose to 69000 two years ago. I connected point A and point B and measured the end of the trend at point C.

We can see that it took a total of 159 days for the market to complete the end of the upward trend.

It took 371 days from the end of the trend to the present. So the first round of missing out is nothing.

Adjust your state and make your own trading plan when you are picked up by the car. Go with the trend and respect the market.

Instead of stubbornly holding on to the wrong direction and increasing positions until your position goes bankrupt.

This article is for those who missed the opportunity or made the wrong decision in this round. Adjust your status, Chi Ge is always with you.

If you don’t have your own independent trading thinking, please follow me. I will update more of the trading knowledge I learned in the early institutions, as well as my subsequent understanding of trading. This is the result of my hard work over the years. 🤏

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