Core is the only Bitcoin client Bitcoin Core suffix inscription. It is the only BRC20 asset that has been included by the world's largest cryptocurrency market collection website Coingecko before it has been launched on the exchange.

It was deployed on March 10, lasted for 2 months, and fair casting ended on May 10.

Total amount: 203,980,445 pieces, the same as the total amount of Huobi platform currency HT.

Currently supported by Huobi HTX Ventures!

Like ordi and sats, it is a 4-character unique inscription, early deployment, fair casting inscription, Bitcoin native narrative Bitcoin Core suffix inscription.

Open the EuroEasy web3 wallet and configure your own Bitcoin client core inscription: core

Fair and just, free trading. Freely buy and sell the primary market track on the exchange#BRC20#btc#corebrc#财经