Don’t pursue too much certainty in trading and must accept losses.

Many traders who have been trading for many years have fallen into pitfalls step by step. Why is it said that trading is anti-human? Trading cannot be achieved through hard work. It requires enlightenment. Like becoming a Buddha, it has nothing to do with time. Most or all people The education and environment I have received since childhood are all about the certainty of knowledge, but there is no 100% certainty in trading. The only thing that can be certain is your stop loss. Most people resist losses and pursue huge profits with wrong views on trading. , what you have to remember is that violence will not last long. A smart trader will only earn part of it. Don't dance on the tip of the knife. If you are always resisting losses and pursuing huge profits, you will end up losing money. Technology, no matter how much you make in the process, we must understand the uncertainty of trading. In the end, the biggest difference between a true professional trader and others is not how advanced his technology is, or how sophisticated his methods are. To be wise is to truly accept uncertainty from the heart.

Why should we accept losses? Because we must understand that the core of trading is a probability game, and the characteristic of this game is uncertainty. If your winning rate is 50%, then your next transaction will always have a 50% probability of losing. Yes, since we play this game, we must know that stop loss is inevitable. This is fate. We must introduce that we will see some real offers, often with a high winning rate, so his stop loss and position period will inevitably also As it gets bigger, those with a low winning rate can still make money. If the stop loss is small, the profit-loss ratio will be very large. This is the rule, in one word of trading: a profit-loss ratio probability game about stop loss.