Double Fly

$TIA There will be an airdrop tonight, and it is said that there is a high probability of a big wool. The conditions for the airdrop are $ATOM and $osmo pledgers, github committers, and the first experiencers of the second layer. Because I just hold the coins and don’t move, I checked my several wallet addresses and of course there is nothing. As for airdrops, I have been studying them recently. In addition to BTC and ETH, which are unshakable, I have more than 4,000 USDT, which have been idle. If I can use these idle assets to get a decent wool, maybe I can buy a good fishing rod, or buy an electric car for fishing. It is not impossible that a wave of money can help me to lie flat. After all, in 2021, there was a chosen person $DYDX who was airdropped more than 3 million dollars, and there are even more airdrops!

We should always have dreams, just in case...


I made an appointment to go fishing with Haiguang. We set out early in the morning. He said he wanted to catch the early fish. There are so many jargons in the fishing world: early fish, late fish, black drift, and turtle.


Haiguang told me a joke: There was a man fishing by a stream at night, and a young lady came from the woods nearby. The man was a little surprised. Could it be that this beautiful lady was also addicted to fishing at night? So he asked the lady: Beautiful lady, do you have a mouth? The young lady said leisurely: Yes, 200 per time. From then on, this man embarked on a road of no return.

Hahahaha, fuck, this is fucking amazing, I didn’t expect it could be able to drive.

We came to the place where Haiguang and I went fishing after drinking the day before yesterday. It was a fork of a large reservoir, relatively hidden and difficult to walk. Haiguang said this was his ancestral secret fishing spot with lots of fish. He caught a 17-jin carp two years ago and asked me not to tell anyone about this place.

I was so excited that our blood boiled. We hurriedly set up our rods. Haiguang had a wide range of rods from 3.6 meters to 8.1 meters. I picked a 5.4 meter rod and he used a 6.3 meter rod. I used earthworms and he used bait. We were ready to catch a lot of fish - in the fishing world, catching a lot of fish is called "catching a lot of fish".

To our disappointment, we only caught some whitebait and bluefin bream after fishing for the whole morning. Not to mention big carp, we didn't even catch many crucian carps. It seemed that Haiguang's ancestral fishing spot was not very effective today. He analyzed that it might be because the weather was getting colder and the fish went to deep water.

After finishing the rod, I asked Haiguang to come to my house for dinner to taste the cooking skills I had honed since I started to work hard. I fried white strips and crucian carp, stir-fried a plate of beans, mixed carrots, stir-fried pork with peppers, fried steamed buns, bought a grilled chicken rack in town, got a handful of peanuts from my mother to make peanut rice, and Haiguang brought wine from home. He knew about my hard-on experiment and tried not to let me spend extra money. Damn, he is a good brother. No, according to seniority, he should call me uncle. We talked a lot about childhood, sighing that time passed quickly, and talked about some of our former classmates and teachers. We were reluctant to part when we graduated, but now most of them have gradually lost contact.

After eating and drinking until about two o'clock, Hai Guang drove his tricycle and took me to the ancestral secret fishing spot to fish, saying he was going to catch a late dinner. The afternoon was indeed different, we caught a lot and I even had a double fly. Looking at the lively fish in the fishing net, I think of my piece of pork belly that was stolen by a cat or a mouse, and I feel sorry for it for several days. It feels like a world away.

I came back home in the evening and heated up the leftovers from lunch. It was such an exciting and happy day. Haiguang asked me if I would go fishing tomorrow. Of course I would. I had so many fish that I couldn't eat them all. I had to think about what I could do with these fish in exchange for something else.

Today, I spent 15 yuan on grilled chicken and 5 yuan on peanuts, so I spent 20 yuan, and I have 9227.3 yuan left.

Why should I stand up straight

Encryption Hardening Day 22