The market has been in a correction state in the past two days. At present, it has received two strong supports near 40,500. It is not expected to fall below 40,000 before the end of the year, or the probability of falling below is low. The current market sentiment and macroeconomic positives will not cause a sharp drop in Bitcoin.


After rebounding to around 41300 yesterday, the price of Bitcoin fell again, and fell to the support level of 40530. At present, the price of Bitcoin is running around 4300. The second decline of the four-hour level failed to continue the short position. The K-line closed with a cross star, which represented a reversal. Then the market rose and the K-line broke through multiple pressures for four consecutive days. The MACD short position turned long and the double-line golden cross was upward. From the trend, it can be seen that the bulls are relatively strong, and the support below is also strong. However, the overall trend is still in a wide range of fluctuations, and there is no new space. The short-term rise is blocked and there is a need to step back. At the daily level, pay attention to whether it can close above MA14 and the upper shadow is not large. If it stands firm, there is a possibility of breaking through the previous high. Otherwise, it will continue to fluctuate. The direction is still bullish. Low-long is the main, and high-short is the auxiliary.


At present, the price of the currency is running around 2200. The four-hour level market has twice inserted the pin below ma200 and closed back, which shows that the support is strong. Then the market rebounded and recovered the lost ground and returned to the shock range again. The MACD short-term turned long double-line bottom golden cross, although it is currently blocked, the retracement is not strong, and it is expected to rise again. The short-term is expected to remain around 2260. If there is no effective breakthrough, you can go short. The overall daily level market is still running above the ma30 moving average, indicating that the bullish trend still exists. If it can break through and stand firm on ma14, it is possible to continue to rise. Low-long is the main, and high-short is the auxiliary.

Operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: short around 43300-43500, target 42000-42500, cover at 43700, stop loss at 43800

Yitaifang: short around 2260-2290, target 2150-2210, cover position at 2310, stop loss at 2320