Why is it that when $BTC falls, there is a huge mass of experts who only shout that this is the end, $BTC will collapse, all crypto will drop even more, and so on? But when $BTC rises, these same experts are silent as a mouse 😂

It's simple, the situation is like the saying - the dog barks, the caravan moves on. Is it really unclear that the market always and inevitably grows? Despite the black swans, crises, and wars. Yes, there is currently high market volatility. But that is understandable, the events are such right now. The rate will decrease, and the markets will recover. Inevitable. Yes, maybe in a couple of years the bubble will burst. But even then, the cunning political and economic technologists of the USA will save the situation.

So do not listen to these screamers and do not make impulsive moves that you will later regret. These are NPCs whose goal is to spread panic. They don’t even realize it themselves.