Praying Mantis

Before, Party A invited me to a shopping mall. The hostess chatted with me and said that she rarely bought cosmetics or bags with the money she earned from the man, but saved it to buy Ethereum. I was so shocked when I heard it that when I touched her thigh later, I felt as if she was emitting a holy light all over her body!

This is what my friend told me. He is definitely my friend and it is definitely not a joke. This friend is one of my mentors in Allin Blockchain. There is also a former colleague who invests 5,000 yuan in BTC every month. The two of them gave me endless faith. I will write about their legendary deeds later.


Today I went to play with Hai Guang. He is the same age as me. We went to elementary and junior high school together. He dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school and came back to work on the farm, and then raised pigs. In recent years, the village has been carrying out environmental protection and is not allowed to raise pigs, so he delivered concrete to the county factories. He worked from time to time to support himself.

We didn't have much contact before, but when he heard that I was going to lie down in the village, he fell into a state of ecstasy, as if he had found a long-lost brother, and he almost jumped up. He would definitely take me out for a drink at noon to celebrate, and we drank until we were dizzy in a small restaurant in the town. When it came time to pay the bill, Haiguang refused to let me pay, and repeatedly warned me not to change my mind and not stay in the village one day.

Hahaha, I understand his feelings. There are very few young people in the village now. He will definitely feel comforted if he has someone to accompany him in his "failure" in the village.

When I said I wanted to go fishing in the afternoon, Hai Guang became even more excited. He also liked fishing usually, but he was often criticized for being idle and a little secretive when fishing. But if I went with him, he would feel justified and no longer afraid of gossip.

You see, Haiguang is just like me before, living in a world defined by others, afraid of other people's eyes and evaluations. I want to convert him, make him fearless like me, and tear off the labels. In layman's terms, it means to be thick-skinned and not consider what others think of everything. After all, your life is your own, and your mouth is on others.

Haiguang drove a tricycle with his fishing gear and took me to his so-called secret fishing spot, saying that he wanted me to see his fishing skills. But we drank a lot and were still staggering when we got to the river. The fishing spot was a bit steep, so to be safe, we decided to find a grass nest to lie down for a while and wait until we sobered up before fishing.

I slept like a log. I woke up from the cold and found Haiguang still snoring. It was almost dark. I woke him up and prepared to go home and come back to fish tomorrow. Haiguang said why not have a bowl of mutton soup to warm up and sober up, I said okay. We went to a mutton restaurant and ordered two bowls of mutton soup. When it came time to pay, he wanted to treat me again. I firmly refused this time and said I would pay this time. Later we reached an agreement that we would pay for each bowl, 25 yuan each, and the side dishes and pancakes were free.

On the way back, we sang loudly on the tricycle. The corn stalks in the roadside fields were like rows of silent spectators. In the dark night, the weak headlights illuminated the road ahead, as if we were driving into the digestive tract of an unknown monster. Haiguang asked me if we were like a psychopath. I said yes, we were psychopaths.

The two of them laughed unrestrainedly, and their laughter drifted away through the darkness. I wonder if it disturbed the pheasants and rabbits in the grass.

I parted ways with Haiguang at the entrance of the alley. I returned home and admired the fish I raised, and then looked at the prices of my first and second wives. A pleasant day is coming to an end

I spent 25 today and have 9445.3 yuan left.

Why should I stand up straight

Encryption hardening day 20