• Uniswap grants $850K to OpenZeppelin, boosting secure development with the new Hooks Contracts Library for v4.

  • OpenZeppelin’s v4 Hooks Library unlocks fee management, limit orders, custom oracles, and liquidity automation for Uniswap developers.

  • A 10-week audit ensures OpenZeppelin’s Hooks Library reduces coding risks, empowering devs to build secure, innovative apps on Uniswap.

The Uniswap Foundation awarded $850,000 to OpenZeppelin to develop a Hooks Contracts Library for Uniswap v4, aiming to increase security and reduce coding risks for developers using the platform. In order to guarantee that creative applications are constructed on solid foundations, the grant seeks to provide a dependable, standardized codebase.

Building upon pre-existing contracts will be made possible in large part by the OpenZeppelin Hooks Contracts Library. These contracts make advanced features like automatic liquidity management, limit orders, fee management, and custom oracles possible. By reducing coding vulnerabilities, developers can focus on creating secure and efficient applications.

https://twitter.com/UniswapFND/status/1848419205856547038 OpenZeppelin’s Approach to Security

Blockchain security company OpenZeppelin is popular for its proficiency in protecting smart contracts and blockchain apps. Their open-source contract libraries have been widely adopted across the DeFi space. Besides, their Defender platform integrates security into the entire development process, ensuring safe project deployment.

The development of the v4 Hooks Contracts Library will unfold in three critical stages, abstract hooks, accounting improvement hooks, and user experience hooks. Moreover, a 10-week security audit will follow the development phase to ensure the integrity of the library.

Key Players Enhancing v4 Security

In addition to OpenZeppelin, other security firms are involved in ensuring the safety of Uniswap's v4. Trail of Bits, known for combining high-end security research with an attacker’s perspective, will play a crucial role. Additionally, Certora provides formal verification tools and smart contract audits. They boast a team with a strong academic background, making them a leading expert in DeFi security.

Furthermore, SpearbitDAO, a network of top security researchers, is known for its standardized methodology in web3 security reviews. They have a strong track record of reviewing complex protocols. ABDK Consulting, with over 100 audits, specializes in DeFi protocols, cryptographic schemes, and Solidity libraries.

Ensuring Secure Development

The Uniswap Foundation’s decision to collaborate with these top-tier security firms underlines their commitment to secure development. By leveraging OpenZeppelin’s Hooks Contracts Library, developers can minimize risks and confidently build innovative applications on Uniswap v4. This grant reinforces Uniswap’s dedication to enhancing user experience and fostering secure protocol development.

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