The United Kingdom has introduced new regulations to regulate cryptocurrency advertising. These guidelines take a tough stance through its financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA has been vigilant, highlighting the lack of adequate risk disclosure by these companies.

Overview of cryptocurrency advertising violations

As disclosed in the announcement, the FCA highlighted the continued disregard for the new promotional guidelines established on October 8. Companies appear to paint a rosy picture of the safety, security, and simplicity of crypto trading, while dodging the associated risks.

The frequency of these alerts highlights the FCA’s readiness to safeguard the new regulatory framework.

The story does not end with illegal schemes that promise lucrative returns on crypto investments. Scrutiny also extends to seemingly legitimate businesses. For example, on October 10, the FCA imposed restrictions on Rebuildingsociety, a company that Binance works with, to align its marketing strategy with FCA guidelines. This action blocked the onboarding of new UK users on the Binance platform.

The FCA’s message is clear. Authorised firms supporting the promotion of crypto assets must be diligent in meeting their regulatory obligations. The promise to take decisive action against non-compliance demonstrates a firm resolve to clean up the cryptocurrency advertising space.

Working together to curb misconduct

The FCA does not work in isolation. This collective effort aims to create a safer ecosystem for potential investors.

Under the new regulatory framework, only entities authorized or regulated by the FCA can endorse or promote cryptocurrency-related ads. The rules apply to all business entities, regardless of their operating base. In addition, crypto advertising efforts must feature prominent risk warnings without enticing viewers to invest in crypto assets. The UK has already taken a firm stance against typical promotional tactics, such as referral bonuses and memes from foreign markets.

James Young, head of compliance at Transak, acknowledged that businesses face a tough road ahead in complying with the FCA’s guidelines. However, he optimistically noted that such regulatory hurdles will greatly enhance consumer protection, potentially boosting cryptocurrency adoption exponentially. The overall goal remains clear: to strike a harmonious balance between fostering cryptocurrency innovation and ensuring consumer safety. #加密广告  #英国金融