SUI has attracted attention again. Is there still an opportunity to enter the L2 chain?

SUI has become popular again recently, and many people have begun to pay attention to this niche L2 chain.

Although the current ecological construction is still under development, and the number of projects and users is relatively limited, many investors are optimistic about SUI, especially some short-term positive factors have emerged recently.

To judge whether SUI can drive a wave of market, the key lies in the inflow of funds and whether the heat can be sustained.

If it can attract enough funds and maintain market heat, it may usher in a round of rise in the short term.

In the long run, to truly attract users, SUI needs to create influential projects, otherwise the current heat is likely to fade quickly.

If you plan to make short-term operations, it is crucial to pay attention to changes in market sentiment; if you are ready to make long-term investments, you need to study SUI's fundamentals and future development potential in depth.

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