$BTC is currently oscillating at a high level. It has broken through the pressure level of 68,000 yesterday. After hitting a new high, it fell back at a small level and is currently adjusting around 67,000.

This position is crucial. As long as it does not fall below the actual level, the probability of hitting a new high after continuing to consolidate is still very high.

If the small-level retracement falls below 67,000, it is likely to fall back further and make more fund-raising moves.

However, the FOMO sentiment in the market is high now, and everyone is looking forward to a big pie above 70,000.

The daily level has broken through the trend line pressure level. If 68,500 can break through the actual level, it may trigger a wave of volume and directly hit above 70,000.

Now it depends on whether the volume and price can be continuously supplied, and whether the liquidity injection of funds can drive the price to rise steadily.

Let us give time to verify the development of this wave of market conditions!

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