In his eyes, any coin he buys will definitely go up, and any coin he doesn't like will definitely go down. The circle is the giant baby of the coin circle, whether in the past, present, or future! ! The unified performance of these giant babies is! ! !

When the market falls, there are all kinds of panic, no ideas! Anxious! ! All kinds of meat cuts, afraid of losses! Afraid of risks! ! !

When the market rises, there are all kinds of complaints! Or all kinds of arrogance, thinking that they are the beacon of the coin circle! You can make money no matter how you buy! ! !

Some people don't even understand the underlying logic, they only know that if it goes up, they will look at 100,000, and if it goes down, they will look at 30,000. He doesn't know why it goes up, he only knows that it went up today, I bought spot and made money, there is no complete trading strategy and operation method! ! ! The money earned by luck will sooner or later return to the market to add liquidity! ! ! !

#6万保卫战 #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #特朗普当选概率上升