A recent report from the United Nations reveals that Telegram has become a key platform for criminal activities in Southeast Asia. Criminal groups are utilizing the encrypted chat software for money laundering, fraud, and exchanging stolen data with ease. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that these activities generate billions of dollars annually. Telegram has transformed the landscape of organized crime, enabling syndicates to operate with minimal oversight. The platform is used to sell malware, deepfake software, and trade sensitive information like credit card details. The rise of unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges on Telegram further complicates the situation, facilitating the movement of illicit funds. The detention of Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, has sparked discussions on the responsibility of tech companies in combating illegal activities. The report warns of the increasing use of advanced technologies by criminal organizations, posing challenges for law enforcement. Overall, the findings highlight the urgent need to address the growing criminal presence on Telegram in order to safeguard user data and public safety. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news