1. First Phase: As the market rally begins, it catches everyone off guard. Some daring individuals, eager to strike it rich, go as far as borrowing money to pour into stocks, betting on rapid gains.

2. Second Phase: Market euphoria takes over, with media coverage fanning the flames of excitement. It’s as if becoming a stock market genius is within everyone’s reach, and the potential risks are conveniently overlooked.

3. Third Phase: More investors jump into the fray, fueling a surge in trading volumes. The market sentiment peaks, with participants convinced they are riding the wave to fortune.

4. Fourth Phase: Stock prices start to fluctuate, but investors interpret these dips as buying opportunities, believing that the bull run is far from over.

5. Fifth Phase: However, the market begins to show cracks. Some stocks start declining sharply, causing a growing sense of unease among investors.

6. Sixth Phase: A few investors take their profits, yet a larger portion remains in the game, hoping for the market to regain momentum and push higher.

7. Seventh Phase: As regulatory pressure mounts, market optimism fades, and price volatility increases.

8. Eighth Phase: Then, a wave of negative news hits, triggering widespread panic. Stock prices plummet, and the once-high spirits of investors are shattered.

9. Ninth Phase: Panic-selling spreads, and the confidence that once fueled the bull market evaporates, replaced by anxiety and regret.

10. Tenth Phase: The market enters a deep correction. Investors who stayed too long are now stuck, and the dreams of easy wealth turn into significant losses.

11. Eleventh Phase: Market experts and analysts begin offering their views—some remain optimistic, while others turn bearish—leaving investors even more uncertain.

12. Twelfth Phase: After a prolonged period of adjustment, the market begins to stabilize, but many investors have suffered serious losses by this point.

13. Final Phase: Eventually, the bull market ends with a whimper, leaving behind valuable lessons. Investors reflect on their missteps and start planning for the next cycle.

The bull market is much like an unpredictable journey with its highs and lows. It serves as a reminder that staying rational amid the excitement is the key to navigating the stock market with caution and resilience.

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