The rising wedge has now become a pattern that everyone wants to fight...

This bearish pattern has almost always broken upward in the past six months. In the past, when I saw this structure, I would short it when the price touched the upper edge for the third time or broke through the lower edge and failed to break back;

This year, the market is playing with small probabilities, technical patterns?

Sorry, if you all short based on the pattern, I will pull the market and hit you, and if you all develop the habit of breaking through with the trend, I will crash the market and hurt you!

There is no need to consider technical analysis at all, just look at where there is liquidity. I took a look and found that the short liquidity in the past week was most concentrated at 63350, so just wait for the price to clear the shorts~

To be honest, this market is tiring to watch. Just wait for it to move in a clear direction, 70000+ or ​​49000-. Before that, don’t consider the general trend direction. It’s really tiring to guess all day... Let’s just eat the band

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