I just saw a (kowtow) story, the gist of the story is this:
A rich man said to a young man:
If you kowtow to me once, I will give you 10,000 yuan. The more you kowtow, the more you will get. But there is a condition: you must kowtow in front of all your family, relatives and friends.

The young man hesitated for a moment and agreed!

When everyone was present, he began to kowtow.

When he knocked the first
His parents started to scold him, asking how he could give up his dignity for money. They also asked how he would go out to meet people in the future if he was like this.

When he knocked the tenth
The father was so angry that his mouth trembled, and he said on the spot that he would sever the father-son relationship with him and never recognize him again. Relatives and friends also strongly condemned him, saying that they would be strangers from now on, and he should never say he knew us when he went out.

When he hit the 100th
The parents fell silent. They looked at the young man with 1 million, which was money they could never earn in their lifetime. But how could they lose face for 1 million? Relatives and friends also fell silent, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

When he hit the 500th
His parents handed him a drink and told him to take a rest if he was tired. His relatives and friends also expressed their concern, saying that we are all friends and we can see you suffer. If you have any problem, just tell us.

When he hit the 1000th
My parents showed a proud look in their eyes. They had 10 million yuan. Their relatives and friends were excited. They pulled us. You said you have so much money, give us a chance and let us kowtow to you.
Some people even rushed to the rich man and begged him to give them a chance to kowtow!

In this story, as far as the young man himself is concerned,
He has never changed. From the first time he knocked on the door to the 1,000th time, he is still the same person!
But, he changed again!
If you kowtow less, others will point fingers at you and talk about you;
When you kowtow many times and have assets worth tens of millions, it seems not like you are kowtowing, but a proud profession.

This story tells us that when faced with temptation, we need to stick to our bottom line and dignity.
It also tells us that when we have wealth and status, people around us will have varying degrees of dependence and admiration for us, but we cannot lose ourselves because of this. We still need to remain humble and rational.

At the same time, this story also implies that the power of money is infinite and can change or even destroy people's values ​​and interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, we need to be vigilant and rational about money and not let money become the only pursuit in our lives.

So, what do you understand from this story?

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